F ChannelAlissa

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Aliens vs. Religion: How do I?

It seems that worldwide, we're inching closer and closer to some semblance of a "full disclosure" of alien life inhabiting our planet. We've had everything from congressional briefings to focus groups to whistleblowers, the creation of governmental organizations and online portals for sight reports... so what's next? How do we deal?

First off, if you're wondering what I'm talking about, check out these articles:
UFO UAP Craft Found
Whistleblower UFO Alien Tech
Whistleblower Alleges US Intact Alien

So now that we're seeing these starting to roll out, how does one come to terms with their religious beliefs now that we're finding out that alien contact has likely answered some of life's longest mysteries? How do we deal with neighborly disagreements on the topic? Here's a list of helpful ways to "stretch" your brain to allow for a wider, more inclusive perspective.

1. Let yourself grieve, feel confusion, be angry, experience fear, allow for lack of control. Cry. Scream. Go for a (safe) drive to your favorite music. Realize that you are not alone in feeling complicated feelings that might conflict. Allow yourself to limit your exposure to media you're taking in, don't overwhelm yourself unnecessarily. Do your best to avoid black-and-white thinking ("things must be all good or all bad"). Recognize that the planet has "shades of gray" for all things, life included.

2. Talk it out. Find common ground with others in your circle to "check in" on each other. Discuss your fears. Allow for grievances to be aired. Avoid taking another's opinion or feelings as a personal affliction. If someone appears to be escalated or irate, avoid discussions with them until they are able to regulate their reactions. Common ground is never found when one is in crisis or chaotic thinking; allow people time to come around.

3. Realize that there is room for religious discussion as well as logical ones. Just as the stories of the Bible were likely more true than we could conceptualize, we may begin observing and bearing witness to strange things we've only read about. Treat each other with grace and respect. Use this time to practice empathy and compassion for others who are having a harder time with their world view. This isn't a race; this is a chance for all to recognize that life has so much more for us all than we could have ever imagined.

4. There is room for God/Allah/Creator. Just because we are not alone in the universe does not mean that there is not an overarching, overseeing authority. No one should be forced or mocked about their current beliefs; all life on this planet evolves, and this may be an important piece of our lives where the spiritual and tangible converge.

5. Limit your exposure to media. Anytime we feel overwhelmed, we often make it worse by scrolling, scrolling, scrolling for more information to attempt to gain control. Limit your daily intake of media on the topic, as to allow yourself to ground in what you know in your environment. Try tactile disctraction or mindfulness (chew an ice cube, take a cold shower, name five red items in the room around you, etc.). This is not a race; there is plenty of information to take in, and at this point, slow and steady seems reasonable.

People will be angry. People will feel very discombobulated by their fear and lack of control. Do your best to avoid escalating situations such as this, and often we see people partaking in illegal activities to combat this (looting, setting fires, violent acts, etc.). Keep in mind that life has likely always been this way, and our ignorance to it is not a reason to tantrum. Give as much compassion and empathy as you can muster to others, and most importantly, to yourself.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Bitchplate Switchplate Covers have ARRIVED!

Check out some new arrivals in the Artful Dead Things shop!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Nobody Likes You

Democratic-leaning voters often care more about being liked and palatable than they do about making systemic, lasting change. Are you one of them?

I'm just going to come out and say it: "vote blue no matter who" is like a scam. Progressives in West Virginia are way too smug about "stupid hillbilly rednecks". What happens when you've been duped, and continue to boast about it?

Well, if you're too proud and ego-driven to admit that you're wrong, you'll continue operating within corruption, pleading with people who don't give a shit about you, because "then we'd have to start over, what about all that we have put in to elect those we have, how can we just abandon ship"? You. Walk. Away. And. Take. Your. Delegates. With. You.

If you understand mafia tactics (yes, I said MAFIA), you'd understand exactly the travesty that went down at the most recent WV State Democratic Executive Committee meeting. Black appalachians were shouted down, ridiculed, and belittled into silence. Read about this here, and view this in its entirety here. Smooth strong-arming is a tactic. Gaslighting and isolation are tactics. Silencing community representatives and flooding the vote with others whom are like-minded... you guessed it, tactics. As are the following: smoke-and-mirrors demographics and lack of representation, shaming those who speak the bare truth, inherent/direct threats, shill promises, code of silence, accusing others of what you are doing secretly, paying upward, selling your soul to elevate your position, changing the subject, using others' want to belong, ... tactics. Read about these here.

What happens when the corrupt institution would rather retain power by ceding it to the "other side" instead of being willing to turn it over to the people? What happens when these people are all the same behind closed doors? What happens when these corrupt people admit these things to the people in plain sight and nothing changes? What happens when an individual's want to be liked and "belong" is used against them, causing assimilation or ostracization through fear?

Progressives are so busy fighting the "boogey man"; the inconsequential statistical "redneck". Progressives whom are not intimate with the working populus of WV turning against its "labor party" for corruption is dangerously underestimated in conjunction with "the stupid voter who votes against his own best interest". What if progressives missed the entire point? What if it isn't so much about "voting against my best interest" as it is "I'd rather someone tell me that they're going in without lube before they fuck me in the ass"?

Yes, that's right. Some people would rather vote against their own best interests because they're tired of being sold crumbs with golden promises, they're tired of drinking shitty water and watching their family members get "rare" cancers by the dozens, they're tired of following the rules only to have them changed for those in charge, they're tired of being sold fake promise and realizing they're going to die regardless. And at this point, as hopeless as they are, they do not care if the "smart city people" call them idiots. In fact, they've created a demogogue and proudly wave their flags of hate to show you how tired they are, and they seem to be organizing. All because they've become the voiceless, the hopeless, the powerless, and instead of acting arrogant with "intelligence" they've turned to their next closest emotion: hate. One thing the "right" has perfected: the art and ability to be unlikable and to stand by it.

Will the dem-leaning voters of West Virginia remove their heads from their asses in time to effect systemic change? Depends if they're willing to make difficult decisions, willing to stand on their own and walk away from "hive mentality", willing to risk being "disliked" for standing for what is right instead of following a corrupt institution that is glaringly baring their panties and flaunting their inaction.

Will you risk your "reputation" by standing for what is right to the school bully? Will you walk away from a toxic table and build your own vehicle, organizing your community for change? Can you stand up to the majority saying "Nobody likes you"?

It took me a long time to understand why others said "parts of the left are just as toxic as parts of the right". I was wrong. I was participating in furthering the corruption by a want to see change, but an inability to see my ignorance. We can change how we see each other in West Virginia, and we can have OUR representatives register to a different party. It's going to take difficult conversations, and issue-focused campaigns, but are you willing to build something for all, or are you too enamored with what you've put in? I guess those answers are individual to each person, and whether their end-goal is to build inclusive communities or to catapault their own interests.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

They Don't Care About You.

Hear me out.

What if all the evidence in the world doesn't matter to your legislative majority? What if study after study shows research, and it's purposely ignored to push through laws that further oppress minorities and poor, disproportionately?

Why else would ALEC-funded money pour into states with Republican majority? Why drug-test the poor, over and over, to get the same, ignored results? Who, exactly, would be benefitting from repeating this shit? Read the text of SB387 here

Who owns these drug-testing companies? Who gets to dole out federal TANF funds to the poor, and who gets drug tested and who does not? Do business owners receiving federal subsidies get tested to receive these? And again - who decides? And who pays for these costs for this testing, that is (likely) going into someone's pocket?

This whole set-up reminds me of my ole psychiatrist, Mark Agresti, from Florida. He spent some decent time in federal custody for running a racket exactly as it being proposed against the poor in West Virginia. Although ole Mark targeted substance abuse and rehab federal funds, those in charge get a little irritated when you're working their own racket and getting greedy. Read more about him here

What if the people tasked to care for and represent us are using us all as a money-making scheme to get themselves ahead? What if all the evidence presented on the planet won't change a national attitude of fucking over others, because getting ahead is more valuable to a chunk of the population? How do we eradicate this attitude, if this is behind what's keeping others from having medicare-for-all, $15/hr wage, affordable housing... true, genuine changes that could create tangible ability to rise out of poverty? Are they trying to help people get out of poverty or are they dreaming up ways to keep them there? What if the reason that meaningful legislation doesn't get past committee is because we have so few true "representatives" that give a single shit, that they're no longer pretending to care, and people are so scared of this possible reality, that they just keep repeating performative actions that make them feel busy and helpful "fighting" this actual oppression? Does this "hamster wheel feel" of being busy keep true grassroots organization from succeeding?

Read about failed drug testing in West Virginia in the past here .

Read about failed drug testing in Florida the past here .

I can list articles like this from across the nation, but I am smart enough now to know that posting it to legislators who aren't trying to hear me is a waste of my time. How do we fix this?

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Anxiety Addiction - Are You Stuck?

So how many of us are aware that when we're feeling nervous or anxious, we're likely holding our breath?

What about growing up in situations (or Adverse Childhood Experiences [ACE]) where being quick-witted and ready-for-anything was a good attribute?

What about situations where you are "the fast actor" and are able to access adrenaline to get through difficult short-term experiences?

From a different perspective, you might be addicted to anxiety. Yep, I said what I said.

Anxiety is a body response to stress stimuli. Sounds simple enough, but the process of prolonged stress in environments changes your brain structures and neural pathways. Sometimes people present with anxiety because of a single situation (near death experience, car accident, etc.) and begin noticing that they have symptoms (heart palpitations, sweaty palms, feeling "frozen", dissociation, etc.) but often aren't aware of the exactly how much they're accessing their adrenaline. Adrenaline gives us extra energy boosts in situations perceived as unsafe by our bodies and minds, which can be a great, life-saving thing, sometimes allowing temporary "superhuman" strength and abilities.

What happens though, when you live in a constant state of some form of fight-or-flight? C-PTSD (Complex posttraumatic stress disorder) is a term gaining traction for people who grew up or were exposed to environments that were unsafe, codependent, or abusive in some way, where the person was unable to "get over" or accept trauma before being presented with additional, ongoing triggers. Of course, there are full definitions (and believe me, I am cheapening that in this essay for brevity), but you can find more about C-PTSD and treatment here.

What happens when we "hold onto" old memories, or access feelings from a past situation that allows for us to stimulate ourselves into fight or flight? Is there some link to "phantom/mystery" body illnesses, such as fybromyalgia? Who would it benefit to avoid making that link and connection? Who would want to keep human beings in a fight-or-flight response? What does this benefit? For the interest of this article, I'm looking at the angle of human behavior and motivation; the two most powerful and motivating feelings that we emobdy are hope and fear. Is there some long-term benefit to keeping human beings in a fear response? What, if any, benefit does this have for our evolution?

When human beings are in balance in relation to mental and physical health, creativity flourishes. With rest, human beings flourish. What benefit is there to keeping human beings on this "hamster wheel" of anxiety and adrenaline? Wouldn't this be counterintuitive and counteractive to furthering our society? What is the goddamn problem here where it is a "badge of honor" to work yourself to death and brag about it? What if this is holding back our society as a whole? Where could human beings be in scientific breakthroughs without living under constraints to beat your neighbor to gather more plastic stuff? What if "competition" wasn't something sold and bannered as "the American Dream"? Sure, the government has us believing that allowing a society to rest would "make everyone lazy", but just like the bullshit that "Trickle Down Economics" always was, what if this is opposite the truth?

Friday, March 5, 2021

They Want You to Leave

West Virginia is notorious for driving out it's bright-eyed, bushy-tailed youth.

Back in the days when Robert C. Byrd was alive, I told myself it was because old men ran this state, and I remember the "good ole days" of A. James Manchin and Arch Moore crookery. However, now that we're in 2021, it seems that young male legislature members seem emboldened to continue the tradition.

The state is famous for it's deep, rich resources that "keep the lights on" (coal, natural gas) but what some outside here do not understand is that the processes to get to these are harmful to the environment. It isn't news to anyone here. Minden hasn't had clean water and likely won't. But these aren't pressing issues. The pressing issues for our state are driving smart people out.

I'm not kidding. I'll say it again: the pressing issues for our state is driving out young, bright, smart people.

Why, though? Well, how many things would be more difficult for mine owners, gas companies, and those preying on our dumbe down society, if we had a society full of educated people not in poverty? Would men line up at the ready for stints in the oil field, taking years off their lives? What about coal mines? Would the numbers dwindle for the company store to keep a dying industry propped-up? If young, precocious members of society filled positions at the WVDEP, wouldn't those assholes have to actually fuckin' follow the laws and guidelines? I can tell you American Water wouldn't have gotten away with what it did five years ago in Charleston. I can tell you that Jim Justice wouldn't have been able to settle with the WV Tax Dept on his fines and taxes. Would the MVP still be trucking through if we had a strong, environmentally-conscious workforce of scientists and laborers who had permanent jobs in their communities? That, I don't know.

Let's talk about charter schools. Just an example, but something that continues to be pushed year after year, and it will pass. Maybe this year, but at the latest, next year. They've gutted public education. They've created "bathroom laws" for schools, starved budgets, boosted sports over academics. We can also look at the many shitty ways they've pushed teachers to the brink; forcing teachers to buy their own supplies, screwing with PEIA (health insurance), jerking them every which-way with Covid plans and forcing them to report in-person on snow days, that's just a few things. Let's not forget that the legislature proposed making teacher strikes an offense worthy of termination of employment. Charter schools start out by replacing public schools, and offers "voucher" or "lottery-style" systems to choose their students. Yep, that's right, after the first couple years, if your kid isn't doing well on national tests, they don't have to pick Little Jimmy for their school next year. And if you don't have at least a high school diploma? Guess what - you cannot home school your child in WV. And charter schools can choose their teachers based on their own criteria. If you don't like it, they'll simply tell you to find another school. With all of the teachers flocking out of WV, there won't be much to choose from in rural areas. How many people can afford $11k a year in tuition?

How about that elimination of the income tax and increase of sales tax? Yeah, that won't hurt the corporate store, but it sure will kill the state budget. Roads. Education. But, we'll toss it onto the backs of the poor, at the grocery store, in the sale of pop/beer/cigarettes, those unhealthy choices that poor people are forced to make to allow living here to be palatable. What about when whole generations and families are too ill from their water and soil toxins and cannot procreate and produce more "good little soldiers" for the company store? That might sound far-fetched right now, but how many families in this area have children and elderly family members alike fighting cancer?

We elect good people to the legislature, and they get bulllied, stalked, threatened, they leave. We recruit people to stay that come here for higher education and tourism, but how long until people realize that this method is yet another hamster wheel?

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Republican Jesus

It seems an odd pairing, right? Christians, who by text and virtrue proclaim to live as Jesus lived, and Republicans favor the rich and privileged. When did this start? How far back did the marriage of privilege and social scarcity protections begin to flirt together?

Did it begin with Reagan? With his de-regulating in the late '80's? Was it before that?

This all loosely fits in with my theories on capitalism, binary society, and the US being founded upon principles of white supremacy and its cover of "religious freedom". Wages had been strong, tax bases high, society was flourishing, infrastructure maintained. How did the principles of the Bible (translated laregly by groups of men throughout history) begin to get twisted into guilt-inducing "bootstrap" society? Was this a massive failure of an experiment, where it was assumed inherently that human beings would be incapable of bettering society without being starved or placed in direct competition with their brothers and neighbors? Without purchasing "toys" [trophies] and useless mounds of plastic, would American society know if they "made it"? What the fuck even is the "American Dream" if it's only for white people, at the expense of the native society of this land and the black people we dragged here to serve us? This seems the biggest bullshit heist of cover, which could only come about if those in control could also determine curriculum, history books, what was retold and what was buried. Could this white supremacy exist and flourish without being hand-in-hand with the "conservative Christian principles"? And how is it that even when it is pointed out ad nauseum with examples and critical acclaim, oppressed people are gaslit into silence?

Again, as most of my thoughts center around this, who is to benefit? Someone is, or these things wouldn't have been orchestrated together so intricately that people would feel they were fighting the "invisible evil"; Christians waiting for persecution and the second coming, were they set up this victimhood-waiting-to-happen? Was this how a country founded upon "divide and conchor" put a nuance into play that would two centuries later allow for society to turn against each other, fighting not "evil", but the ignorance and inability to critically think, and thus fighting each other? Again - who benefits?

It is clearer and clearer to me that American politics are not about "party" - they are about class warfare; maintaining it, and keeping others below us.

Ask yourself why, ask yourself if you're participating, and ask yourself if this is benefitting your community.